Visit our College

Explore our facilities and immerse yourself into our College environment. 

Meet staff and students, gain firsthand information. Experience a feel for our Ignatian Community.

We offer two different tours as described below:

  • Group Tours

    Group Tours

    Group tours are recommended for Years 8 and above. See our College at work. Tours are limited to five groups once per month. These tours are available all throughout the year. 

    Click here to book Group Tours

  • Guided College Tours

    Guided College Tours

    Saint Ignatius College Geelong proudly offers two types of College tours for Year 7 prospective families, Guided Tours, and Guided Day Tours.

    The College Guided Tours are specifically designed for Year 5 & 6 students and their families with attendees enjoying comprehensive presentations from the College Principal, Deputy Principals, Year 7 Coordinator and current Year 7 students. Following this presentation, families will enjoy a tour with current students and teachers showcasing the outstanding facilities enjoyed by our teachers, students and support staff.

    Our College Guided Tours, held over 2 nights are an ideal way for prospective families to ask questions regarding all aspects of the College to students and staff.

    Click here to book the College Guided Tours

    Saint Ignatius College also offers College Day Tours for Year 5 & 6 families which occur during school hours. These smaller tours, include a more succinct presentation by the Director of Community Engagement and the College Registrar before embarking on a more relaxed tour of the College. These tours provide a unique opportunity to see the College 'at work.'

    Click here to book a College Day Tour

  • Virtual Tour

    Virtual Tour

    Challenged for time?

    Enjoy 'a day in the life of a Year 7 Student' and explore the many opportunities that Saint Ignatius College has to offer.

People seeking further enrolment information are advised to contact the College Registrar.

Ph. 03 5251 1136
