Faith & Service

Leadership Programs

At Saint Ignatius College curricular and co-curricular programs have been developed which enable our students to reach their full potential, and make decisions and take action that will contribute good to our lives and the world around us.

We believe that the Servant leadership model of leadership is fundamental to an Ignatian school.

Our vision is that students will value leadership through service and advocate for others, particularly those most in need. This will work to build a just society where all people can live to their full potential. Students will confidently and courageously make choices that reflect servant leadership throughout their lives.

Saint Ignatius College will provide opportunities for students to:

  • develop leadership skills and experience leadership in a variety of contexts.
  • understand the concept of servant leadership and to put this into practice.

The College will encourage such leadership through service in the wider community during, and after, their school years.

Our student leadership motto is: “St Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader.”

  • Student Leadership within the College

    Student Leadership within the College

    “The College is committed to the education of the whole person and the development of young adults of competence, conscience and compassion who will be of service in the community.”

    (Extract from SICG Mission statement)

    At Saint Ignatius College curricular and co-curricular programs have been developed which enable our students to reach their full potential, and make decisions and take action that will contribute good to our lives and the world around us.

    We believe that the Servant leadership model of leadership is fundamental to an Ignatian school.

    “The Gospel tradition plainly indicates that the most distinctive aspect of Jesus’s teaching on leadership is his emphasis that a leader is essentially a servant.”
    (Lavery & Hine, 2013)

    Our vision is that students will value leadership through service and advocate for others, particularly those most in need. This will work to build a just society where all people can live to their full potential. Students will confidently and courageously make choices that reflect servant leadership throughout their lives.

    Saint Ignatius College will provide opportunities for students to:

    • develop leadership skills and experience leadership in a variety of contexts.
    • understand the concept of servant leadership and to put this into practice.

    The school will encourage such leadership through service in the wider community during, and after, their school years.

    Leadership opportunities abound in all subject areas and co-curricular activities both in the large and obvious, and in the small and unseen. Whether it be as captain of a representative team or group, helping a younger student to read, encouraging others, quietly reflecting, supporting a justice event or activity, supporting the year level SRC representative, encouraging others to speak up, allowing others to make good decisions by positive role modeling, volunteering to help other students at lunchtime, assisting a student in class, organizing lunchtime activities, applying for a formal leadership position, questioning the status quo, searching for the greater good, volunteering to coach a team, standing up for what is right or in taking the time to make the best decision.

    Opportunities to show leadership are only restricted by our thoughts and consideration.

    Our student leadership motto is:

    St Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader.


    Student leadership activities:

    Participation in:

    • Leadership Seminar for all College leaders and class captains.
    • Leadership Seminar for student leaders in Ignatian Colleges.
    • Regular meetings of student leaders

    Exploring the Spirituality of living Justly with Competence, Conscience and Compassion

    Year 8 “Magis” Retreats
    Year 11 “Manresa” Retreats
    Year 12 Three day Retreat

    East Timor Immersion

    • Two Year 11 students recently spent ten days in East Timor with students from other Jesuit and Jesuit Partner schools
  • Community Service

    Community Service

    Leadership through service

    In light of the servant leadership model, all students are invited to lead. As part of the Ignatian tradition we are called to strive for the 'Magis' – a calling for more universal good, more effective means, more generous service to others and the greater glory of God.

    It is in light of this calling that Saint Ignatius College will encourage members of our community to be men and women for others as we work toward creating a just society in the context of Christian faith (The Grad at Grad: Profile 2020, St. Ignatius San Francisco).

    By considering the possibilities for being of service, students will develop their moral compass (conscience) and help to build a more just society. Students inherently make choices and they will be encouraged to strive for the 'Magis'. Students will also be encouraged to show compassion and take action where injustice exists.

    In keeping with this essential nature of the Ignatian tradition we ask our students to complete, at least, 5 hours of service in Year 7 and, at least, 10 hours of service in Years 8-12.

    Students are asked to find suitable forms of service in their local community.

    We understand that age differences will impact on the types of service that students are capable of. With this in mind we recommend that students in the earlier year levels (7-9) participate in service activities ‘for others’. In the more senior year levels (9-12) students are challenged to find ways to, also, pursue service opportunities ‘with others’.

    On leaving Saint Ignatius College, we will have, hopefully, engendered a commitment to serving others and Old Ignatians will intrinsically strive toward the Jesuit ideal of the 'Magis'.

  • Faith Doing Justice

    Faith Doing Justice

    Social Justice at Saint Ignatius College

    The rationale for our service program – Community Service and Social Justice is rooted in the belief of St. Ignatius that “love is shown in deeds rather than in words.” We invite our students to become “men and women for others” by educating their minds and hearts to horizons beyond their previous experience and into the world beyond the world they know. We believe it is important that they come in contact with people who on the surface may be unlike themselves, people who are poor, both materially and in spirit and body, people who are marginalized, socially or economically disadvantaged, and disabled either in mind or body.

    Our support of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society and the Meal Program for the economically disadvantaged are prime examples of our Ignatian Service in our local community. Internationally, we support the initiatives of our Ignatian Schools Network with regard to common projects such as our support of St Joseph’s College in Timor Leste.

    Focus: Competence, Conscience and Compassion in all areas of life.

    The Saint Ignatius College Social Justice Committee aims to work in partnership with Catholic and Jesuit groups and associations in an active and advocating manner. We will assist these organisations in a way that respects their dignity and works to restore faith in community and the generosity of others. As a Committee we will follow the vision of the College, striving to create an education of the entire student of competence, conscience and compassion who dedicate themselves to the service of others. We will work for the greater glory of God in the Ignatian way.

    As a school community we are inspired to work with the greater Jesuit community and work through the Social Justice Teachings of the Catholic Church.

    In the name of Jesus, in the spirit of Ignatius companions, for a faith that does justice.

    In conjunction with all Catholic Secondary Schools in Geelong

    • Triumph Festival
    • Holiday Program for students with a refugee background
    • CLOGS (Catholic Leaders of Geelong)

    Saint Ignatius College Activities:

    Community service:

    • Bowel scan Letterbox drop for Lions Club
    • Attending regularly at Meals Program in Geelong
    • Winter Food Appeal (Geelong Food Drive)
    • Christmas Hamper Appeal (Vinnies Geelong)
    • Blood Bank donations

      Assistance at St. Thomas Primary School

      Year 9 Community service initiatives

    Awareness Campaigns

    • Year 12 Giving Back Program
    • Jesuit Refugee Service Youth Award
    • Winter Sleep Out (homelessness)

    Fund raising

    • Caritas Australia – Project Compassion
    • Viqueque Casual Dress day

    Social Justice issues and events

    • Inviting guest speakers to Saint Ignatius College
    • Attendance at annual Model United Nations Conferences (other schools throughout the region also attend)
    • Attend various Social Justice Seminars and Leadership Days
    • ‘Just Leadership’ Seminar at Xavier College
    • ‘A day in Viqueque’ Workshop at St. Joseph’s College

    For further information about our programs please follow the links to the relevant policy statements:

    Social Justice Policy

  • Jesuit Social Services and Refugees Services

    Jesuit Social Services and Refugees Services

    Jesuit Social Services

    The Ignatian fabric, which gives cohesiveness to our Christian service by way of support and guidance, and we in our turn, give them tangible support, are those organizations which are intrinsic to the broad Jesuit Mission. Students, at various stages, are introduced to the works of Jesuit Social services and Jesuit refugee Services. Our activities and programs are an implementation of the Ignatian maxim of “a faith that does justice.”

    A wealth of information is available on the web by following the links below.

    Jesuit Refugee Service

    The Ignatian fabric, which gives cohesiveness to our Christian service by way of support and guidance, and we in our turn, give them tangible support, are those organizations which are intrinsic to the broad Jesuit Mission. Students, at various stages, are introduced to the works of Jesuit Social services and Jesuit refugee Services. Our activities and programs are an implementation of the Ignatian maxim of “a faith that does justice.”

    A wealth of information is available on the web by following the links below.

    Jesuit Refugee Service Australia: