28 June 2018

Attendance Procedure Update

Article by Mr Michael Timms

Attendance Procedure Update

Protecting the safety and well-being of children through the reporting and monitoring of absenteeism is the responsibility of both parents/carers and schools. Parents/carers have an obligation to notify the school of their child’s absence and schools are required to notify parents/carers on the day of an unexplained student absence. This responsibility needs to be underpinned by shared understandings and expectations about the procedures for the promotion, monitoring and follow-up of student attendance as outlined in the College Attendance Policy.

Clear communication and building a positive and collaborative relationship between schools and parents is critical to the successful implementation of same day notifications.

The following outlines the College’s procedure in relation to student absences:

1. Notify the school of your child’s absence

Please remember to call the school on 5251 1136 or email: langmaidt@ignatius.vic.edu.au early in the morning if your child is going to be away or late for school so your child’s absence can be recorded correctly. Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.

For further information on the processes and procedures our school uses to record, monitor and follow-up student attendance and absence please read our Attendance Policy/Procedure, located on the website.

2. Same-day notification of unexplained student absences

Our school will text/call you as soon as practicable on the day if a student is not at school and you haven’t notified the school as to why. If you are notified by the school that your child is away without a reason, please contact us as soon as possible by calling the College 52511136 to let us know where your child is. If we cannot reach you then we will make contact with any emergency contact/s nominated on your child’s file held by the school, where possible, on the same day of the unexplained absence. This is an expectation under the Victorian Government’s new School Attendance Guidelines.

Please remember it is your responsibility to contact us to provide an explanation for your child's absence from school, and where possible, please inform us in advance of upcoming absences.

Mr Michael Timms Deputy Principal [Student]

