22 November 2018

Barwon Health Work Experience

Article by Mia Gleeson

Barwon Health Work Experience

By Mia Gleeson

I was lucky enough to spend a week at Barwon Health on Work Experience with a difference.

Places were tight with only 32 Year 10 students from across Geelong being selected for the special program.

We got to find out about a whole lot of things and have a really different learning experience.

We were introduced to a range of employees who have different jobs at Barwon Health including: medical imaging, physiotherapy, nursing, pharmacy, medicine, midwifery & childbirthing, nutrition and dietic, emergency department & Intensive Care Unit, Social work

I really enjoyed meeting the new people whether that be the staff that ran the sessions or the group of Yr 10 students I carried out this program with. It was great sharing this experience with a group of people with similar interests to me.

It was surprising to learn that things weren’t what I thought they’d be, for example pharmaceys in hospitals are completely different to community pharmacys.

I really enjoyed learning about midwifery because I didn’t really consider being one before this program, but know its definatly in consideration.

I got to try out many things in each different sessions. For example in the operating theatre we got to cut out things from a sponge – simulating what I’d be like on a real person.

We spent time in different areas of the hospital, the Kitchener House and a couple of days at the McKellar Centre

The most challenging thing about the week was naming the different instruments doctors and nurses use.

What I really enjoyed about the week was getting a taste what’d be like to work in the medical industry, along with meeting all these new people.

I think the qualities you need to work in the Health sector are Empathy, Compassion, good communication skills.

One thing I won’t forget about this week is the people I met along with what a placenta looks like.

Now I think that in the future, I think that I’m still unsure of my career aspiration, but with a little more research at home I’m sure I’ll narrow it down and this program has definately helped.

I recommend this program to next year’s Year 10 students. Put up your hand, give it a go. It’s good to put yourself forward and good for your future!

Acknowledgement: The program was brought to schools in the Geelong Region by Barwon Health and the Geelong Region Local Learning & Employment Network (LLEN). The ‘Careers in Community Services & Health Program’ is funded by Skilling the Bay.

