19 March 2020

Bullying No Way! Day

Article by Ms Olivia Whitehead

Bullying No Way! Day

Friday 20th of March will be the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (Bullying No Way! Day), with the theme of Take Action Together. Our students are encouraged to share their commitment to prevent bullying by writing on our Pledge Wall during the week of 16th March. Our Year 7-9 students will also be completing lessons in Personal Learning, and all students will be asked to reflect on ways that they can engage in positive relationships within our school and wider community.

In addition to the activities being undertaken at school, we encourage further discussion at home with families, particularly in relation to online safety and technology use.

The Government ESafety Website is a great resource for parents/carers and young people. It contains advice and guidance for parents and carers around teenagers having safe experiences online, setting boundaries to manage screen time, having difficult conversations around online safety, reporting online bullying and abuse, and understanding upcoming/trending social media, apps and games.


We look forward to working together to improve the social interactions of our young people, and “Take Action Everyday”.

Kind regards,

Olivia Whitehead Student Wellbeing Officer

