21 October 2022

From under the southern sky, reach for the stars - Year Level Update - Year 10

Article by Brendan O’Brien | Year 10 Coordinator

From under the southern sky, reach for the stars - Year Level Update - Year 10

Like all year levels at the College, Year 10 is currently busy with work assessments coming in thick and fast and exam revision looming in the not too distant horizon. It doesn’t seem too long ago we were launching the year, and to think in early December our great Year 10’s will be completing this year’s studies and launching fully into their VCE years is staggering. However, they have shown through their commitment and application that they will cope with this transition easily.

In today’s year level assembly we looked at revision techniques and then discussed some inspirational goals via some YouTube clips of Neale Daniher who encourages all to look for opportunities in everything you do, and the importance of conducting yourself well especially in tough times as he has certainly done so through his MND suffering. Kurt Fearnley, a wheelchair marathon athlete also gave the students some great ideas ( via YouTube), about preparation, perseverance and persistence as he prepared for and conquered crawling the famous Kokoda track. What an effort and the message to our Year 10’s was you can achieve anything if you dream big, apply yourself and surround yourself with the right assistance. The last clip showed the value of teamwork through human Casteller structures and students were ask to reflect on who supports them ( parents, teacher, siblings etc) and to show gratitude towards these people who continue to help them achieve their goals.

Our next assembly will be on the more formal arrangements with the end of year exams and the expectations that we are putting in place for that time, and we look forward to all students and families supporting us during this exam time. Not just with exams but with normal study patterns keeping a regular routine for your children which balances school, work, sport, exercise and social activities is such an important plank in the keys of success. If you haven’t already done so, now might be a good time to develop a study timetable with your child.

The Cape York immersion continues to be a big talking point amongst our Year 10’s and I was very impressed with the students who recently reported back to their homeroom peers about their amazing experience. All Year 10’s recently sat in on the Roadsmart talks and these seemed well received to support our young drivers to be safe on roads.

I could certainly continue on about many sporting, academic, arts, music and other accolades that Year 10’s have achieved this semester but I am not sure this current space will suffice so in summary please believe me when I say ALL Year 10’s are doing great things and I am sure will continue to do so throughout the rest of this year.

Brendan O’Brien | Year 10 Coordinator

