21 October 2022

Year 12 Report

Article by Ms Kristin Williamson

Year 12 Report

The Year 12 students finished their final formal classes on Monday 17th October.

On Monday afternoon, the whole school gathered to celebrate the Year 12s at the Year 12 Final Assembly.

Emily Green and Sam Hines, our 2022 College Captains farewelled the student body and staff on behalf of the Year 12s. They reflected on their six years of secondary school and the growth of the 2022 cohort. A presentation was made to the College with a gift of birdbaths to place in the Senior Quad. A plaque was inscribed with “These birdbaths are presented to the College from the graduating Class of 2022.”

“Birds learn how to fly, never knowing where the flight will take them.” This symbolises their journey of education as they have grown their wings and are now ready to fly. The assembly finished with a graduation mash-up of songs performed by the VCE Music class.

After the assembly students in Years 7-11 formed a guard of honour around the school to farewell the Year 12s as they did their final gratitude walk around the school where they were cheered on by the College Community. This was a fitting end to be acknowledged by all members of the College and to recognise their fantastic achievements. Year 12 students came to school in a wide range of fancy dress costumes on Tuesday morning for their Celebration Day. The bright colours and general sense of fun were great to see at the end of a rigorous year.

After a walk around the school to visit classrooms, students then were involved in an African drumming session. This took them back to their time on retreat and wrapped up their year with some movement and rhythm. Valete Mass and the Graduation Ceremony were celebrated on Tuesday evening.

Students donned their academic gowns and sashes as they joined their families for a moving Mass service led by Father Gerry Healy. Prayers and hymns were shared by some of the graduation students. The graduation ceremony followed this with all graduating students receiving a certificate of the completion of their studies and a personalised copy of “Finding God’s Traces” book.

Thank you to everyone involved to make these last couple of days so special for the graduating Class of 2022. The commitment of all staff involved ensured a memorable finish for our Year 12 classes.

We send all our Year 12 students our very best wishes as they complete their 6 years of education at Saint Ignatius College.

Kristin Williamson | Year 12 Coordinator

