04 November 2022

From under the southern sky, reach for the stars - Year Level Update - Year 11

Article by Ms Alex Simpson | Year 11 Coordinator

From under the southern sky, reach for the stars - Year Level Update - Year 11

The Year 11s hit the ground running in Term Four and have continued at a rapid pace; and for good reason! It is their last term before they begin the final year of their secondary education.

Our students have been involving themselves in incursions, excursions, extracurricular activities, Unit 3/4 studies and examinations, sports, performances, leadership elections and much, much more! However, a key focus of this Semester has been the inclusion of “Mentor Time” every Tuesday. These sessions are a key to the pastoral development of the cohort and the College.

During mentor time in week three, the cohort heard from Lisa De Lahaye from the Australian Taxation Office. Within her presentation, she discussed tax file numbers, superannuation, student HELP loans and identity protection. Students were equipped with the necessary knowledge and resources to support them in financially preparing for their studies/employment after they have finished with us at the end of 2024.

Mentor Time in week four, saw some more life based information; registering to vote. With the help from Ms. Cuthill, the Year 11 homeroom teachers supported the students in preparing for their first year of voting. Students were presented with instructional videos, with some even delving a little deeper into their voting preferences using resources such as Voting Compass, developed by the ABC.

With the final mentor sessions approaching we have some very exciting things to look forward to. On November 15th, Year 11s will meet for a final time as a collective. In this assembly, we will take the time to support students in their final weeks of Year 11 and thank the staff who have been there along the way. The final mentor session will see our final homeroom competition. In previous terms, homerooms have competed in table tennis, trivia and artistic competitions. This term, all 10 homerooms will take part in a round robin similar to the “amazing race” where various challenges and tasks will be required and strengths of homerooms will be tested!

Over the next few weeks, the Year 11s will be very busy with their studies and assessment. Unit 2 VCE exams will commence on the 24th of November. With students revising the Semester content in the leading weeks. During this time, our VCAL students will be finalising their assessments to complete their requirements for the year. As of the 1st of December, Year 11 students will begin their Year 12 studies when they engage in “Kickstart”. During this time they will explore the content of their 2023 studies and receive their requirements for the summer break. We wish all year 11 students the best of luck for a very busy time ahead!

Ms Alex Simpson | Year 11 Coordinator

