03 March 2023

St Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader - Amy Thompson | College Vice Captain

Article by Amy Thompson | College Vice Captain

St Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader - Amy Thompson | College Vice Captain

Hello everybody, my name is Amy Thompson, and I am one of your College Vice Captains this year. Recently, on Wednesday 1 March, my fellow Captains had the pleasure of presenting a Leadership Development Module to the student leaders called ‘Unpacking the 2023 College Theme’ - which is ‘Lean into the Wind’.

This article is the perfect opportunity to impart the words of advice we shared with our peers, and the excellent responses they had to the discussion prompts we offered.

The theme ‘Lean into the Wind’ is accompanied by the phrase ‘One foot grounded, one foot raised, hand on heart’ which we broke the module into.

When discussing having ‘One foot grounded’ we spoke about the importance of connectedness to community, and connectedness to oneself in the ability to feel steady and centred in your choices. The basis of your comfort zone and reliability is the anchor for stretches and risks to be made beyond what you might expect of yourself.

To have ‘One foot raised’ is to take a step, big or small, toward something you may have been putting off or wish to have done. Every task may feel like a marathon but can easily be broken down into ‘minimum viable goals’, or rather one step at a time.

Taking action is all well and fine, but as students, we are all expected to balance competing priorities by keeping a ‘hand on heart’ we can discern with consideration, which of our goals are the most important and the most achievable. This means we can stay true to our values and make time for everything outside of school that is equally important.

In times of discussion, everyone had incredible insights to offer in response to our prompts, and all I feel is an incredible sense of pride in the student leadership team at Saint Ignatius College this year and a great sense of hope for all we can achieve in the next ten months.

From working on the college’s theme on the way back from the JACSA conference in early December last year to a great presentation of a Student Leadership Module to huge numbers of student leaders this week. Great work Tilly, Ross, Amy and Zac.

