01 March 2024

From the Principal

Article by Mr. Michael Exton | Principal

From the Principal

Dear Parents & Carers,

I am happy to report that the new school year has started off well. We have organised several significant events that have helped to establish our values, our Ignatian Story, and our sense of community. We have also encouraged our students to take advantage of the great opportunities available at Saint Ignatius to develop themselves.

Our opening of the school year Mass (Friday, 2nd February) was a wonderful opportunity to thank God, pray for God’s blessing on the new school year and encourage students to respond positively to God’s gifts and the opportunities the school year will bring. The theme was our strategic intent: “Building community for better learning – belonging, connection & learning.” Thank you to Fr Gerry Healy SJ and Rev. Fr Darien Sticklen for celebrating the Mass for us.

The ‘Beginning of the Year’ Full College assembly was held in the Multipurpose Centre on Monday 5th February 2024 at 9.00 am. We welcomed back our outstanding academic students from the Class of 2023 and, together with some high-performing Year 11 students from last year, acknowledged their high achievements. The Senior Student Leaders announced this year’s theme:

“Embrace the flame. Follow the footsteps.”

They chose this theme after reflecting on the input provided at the JACSA Schools Student Leadership Conference held at St Ignatius College Riverview in December last year.

Unfortunately, we had to modify our swimming sports program on Thurs. 22nd & Wed. 28th February due to ‘extreme’ weather forecasts. We provided races only for students who registered to swim and did not have spectators attend. Those students not involved remained at school for classes or alternative activities. Having the pool across the road from the College was an advantage and helped us better manage under the conditions. I commend the students who participated for their enthusiasm and level of competition. As a result, we will be able to select our inter-school swimming team.

Parent Information Evenings for Years 7, 8 & 9 have been conducted and were well attended. I have received very positive feedback from many parents about the evenings, and I thank all the parents who were able to attend for their support of our College. We welcome feedback about college events with a view to continually improving what we offer. You can write, ring (Ph. 52511136) or e-mail the college (info@ignatius.vic.edu.au) any constructive comments. Please address the comments to the main organiser; in the case of the information evenings, this would be the relevant Year Level Coordinator (YLC.)

Moving into the new MacKillop Senior Centre

The planning team coordinating the move has revised the plan to ensure a smooth transition to our occupation and use of this amazing new facility. As a result, the last day of Term One classes at school will be Wednesday, 27th March 2024, instead of Thursday, 28th March 2024.

The amended timeline is:

  • Wednesday 27th March - Normal school day followed by Parent/Teacher/Student Zoom Conferences

  • During periods 5 & 6 the senior students will move into the new building.

  • Thursday 28th March - MacKillop Senior Centre Orientation Day for Staff. Students will not attend school. (Announcement day for Senior Certificate classes)

  • Friday 29th March - Good Friday (start of term one holidays.)

  • Monday 15th April - Staff Professional Learning Day (Announcement day for all classes, no students at school.)

  • Tuesday 16th April – First Day of Term Two classes and the commencement of classes in the new MacKillop Centre.

We were going to commence classes in the new centre after the March long weekend. The change to the timing of the move has been made to provide more time for staff office movements, a pre-move Orientation and Induction session for all staff and staff familiarisation with the features and utilities of this new centre before classes commence next term. This will make for more settled final weeks of this term and a smooth start for the use of this building and its surroundings. Staff will then be in a better position to orient and induct students into making the most of their fantastic new learning centre.

On behalf of everyone, I express my gratitude to our many colleagues who have been (and continue to be) involved in all that needs to be done to take possession of and set up this tremendous new building.

We are very excited about moving into our new facility. And I look forward to providing parents with the opportunity to view the new centre early next term. You will be informed about the arrangements soon.

Year 9 Camp cancelled

Our Year 9 Coordinator, Mr Caleb Ryan, has informed the families of Year 9 students that the camp that was scheduled for the final week of this term has been cancelled. Unfortunately, the Pyrenees region in Western Victoria, where the camp was supposed to take place, has been severely affected by bushfires, as you may have heard from the media reports. Our intended destination for the Year 9 Camp was Cave Hill Creek in Raglan, which is located at the base of Mt.Cole. While the majority of the camp's infrastructure was spared, the surrounding forest and landscape, where our planned activities were to take place, have been significantly impacted. Therefore, it will take some time before school groups can return.

We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both students and staff who attended the camp last year at Cave Hill Creek. We are hoping to schedule another one later in the year, either at the same location or somewhere else. Once we have determined our options for running the camp, Mr. Ryan will inform Year 9 families about our rescheduling plans. We are optimistic that we will be able to find a suitable alternative for everyone.

Our thoughts and prayers at this time are with the people who live and work in this affected region and the emergency services workers who are fighting fires and supporting the affected communities.

I acknowledge the disappointment experienced by our Year 9 students and staff who were looking forward to the camp. I appreciate the hard work put in by the staff to prepare for the camp and I want to thank Year 9 students and their families for their understanding.

Road Safety

All drivers travelling to and from our College are reminded of the need to adhere to traffic sign requirements at all times.

To promote safety, I remind our community that the speed limit on Peninsula Drive is 40 km/h (all times.)

When attending after-hours events at the College, please do not park in the St Thomas Primary School carpark.

Thank you for your support in prioritizing the road safety of all those in and around the College.

Season of Lent

We began the season of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday on Wednesday 14th February. Students and staff received ashes on their foreheads on this day during a short liturgy as a sign of repentance as well as a reminder of our humanity. Lent is a period of preparation for the celebration of the foundational event of our faith, Easter.

During the Lenten season, the Church urges us to enhance our relationship with God by engaging in prayer, fasting, and acts of generosity. Some ways we can do this include praying together before meals, being mindful of our food consumption, and donating to a charitable organisation such as 'Project Compassion'.

At school, we have organised ‘Project Compassion’ as a way for students to respond to others in need during Lent. The monetary donations students give in their Mentor Groups will be given to ‘Caritas’ for their work in third world countries. Thank you to our Justice Coordinator, Ms Nicole Sadler, for coordinating this fundraiser.

“Building community for better learning – belonging, connection & learning.”

Best wishes for 2024,

Michael Exton


