01 April 2022

CLOGS Launch @ Saint Ignatius College

Article by Anthony Gravener

CLOGS Launch @ Saint Ignatius College

After school on Thursday 24th March, Saint Ignatius College hosted the annual CLOGS Launch Dinner. CLOGS (Catholic Leaders of Geelong Secondary Schools) is a group of students, generally College captains and College vice captains. College Principals, Deputy Principals and student leadership coordinators were also in attendance.

The Launch Dinner is a great way for the students to connect with like-minded people from Catholic secondary schools in the region. Students from each college presented a slideshow of their school’s history, leadership models and traditions.

Emily Green and Sam Hines (College Captains) MC’d the event in a very friendly and professional manner. Audrey Hughan and Toby Mew (College Vice Captains) joined Sam & Emily for the Saint Ignatius presentation. I was extremely impressed with their depth of understanding of the mission and vision of Saint Ignatius College and how well they were able to articulate this to members of the other schools.

Thank you to Michael Exton, Michael Timms and Robyn Frigo for their support with the event. A massive thank you also to Kim Abbott who organised the catering and to David Alexander for photography.

Anthony Gravener
Student Leadership Development Coordinator

