18 April 2024

From the Principal

Article by Mr. Michael Exton | Principal

From the Principal

Dear Parents & Carers,

Welcome back

Welcome to the new school term. I hope that the holiday period provided students ample time for rest, recreation, revision of term one and planning for term two, and that Easter was a time of joy with family and loved ones. Easter is a most significant time to contemplate and reflect on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which are at the core of our Christian faith.

After the high point of Easter celebrations early in the holidays, we finished them with the dreadful news of the stabbing attacks in Sydney. We hold in our hearts and prayers all those who have been affected by the tragic events that took place at a shopping centre in Bondi Junction over the weekend. In addition, there have been media reports of a number of other very concerning and distressing incidents in recent times.

Considering the potential distress or worry that media coverage can cause for children, I want to highlight the resources and supports that we have available for students who may be unsettled by recent events. It is crucial to reassure our students that they are safe in their schools and communities.

For guidance on helping children cope with the impact of disaster-related news coverage, visit the Trauma and Grief Network website.

Please contact our Student Wellbeing Office (E: wellbeing@ignatius.vic.edu.au or P: 03 5251 1136) for guidance around support and resources that may be of assistance if required.

The new term

Saint Ignatius College offers a variety of extracurricular activities to complement the academic program and help students become well-rounded individuals. These activities provide opportunities for the students to find their niche and develop their talents. The College encourages students to explore different areas of interest, whether it be social justice, music, sports, or academics, and to strive for excellence. The goal is to help each student reach their full potential and make the most of the opportunities available to them.

This will, without a doubt, be another busy term for us all. Apart from the usual teaching and learning activities, there will be many other opportunities for student learning. Tomorrow (Friday, 19th April), we will hold our annual Athletics Carnival at Landy Field Geelong. Next week, our College ANZAC Centenary Commemoration Service will be held on Thursday, and the winter sports season is underway for our Senior and Yrs 9 & 10 boys football teams.

As you are aware, April 25 is the ANZAC Day public holiday, and the College will be closed. I commend our students who will attend their local ANZAC Day ceremony. We have a number of our students involved in laying wreaths on behalf of our College at ceremonies across the Greater Geelong region.

Term 2 is a crucial academic term for students, as it is the time to make significant progress in their studies. To help structure their term program and keep on track, every student should use their Student Planner tool. Organisational skills are essential to develop in students, and the planner can help develop this skill. I encourage parents to monitor their student's use of the planner.

It was pleasing to see so many parents taking advantage of the opportunity to meet online with teachers at the Parent / Student / Teacher conferences held at the end of last term to discuss their son's or daughter's academic progress.

If parents have any concerns about their child's progress, they should contact the specific teacher first. In case of general concerns, they can reach out to the Mentor Teacher. It's essential to have continuous communication between the home and the College. To ensure this, we use 'Xuno', which is our online Student Management System. This flow of information is vital to the success of each individual. You can access 'Xuno' through the parent portal.

Classes commence in the new MacKillop Centre

We are thrilled to announce that classes commenced in our new Senior Centre on Tuesday. This facility is worth $25.5 million and is a state-of-the-art establishment that has been designed specifically to provide our senior students and staff with a modern and inspiring learning environment. It is an essential aspect of our building program, which is aligned with the College's Masterplan and School Improvement Plan (SIP) to ensure that we offer the highest quality education to our students. We are grateful for the grant of $1 million from the State Government towards the funding of this project.

The Masterplan identifies three significant precincts according to the age and stage of our students:

  • Years 7 & 8 (Xavier Centre);

  • Year 9; and

  • Years 10, 11 & 12 (MacKillop Centre.)

Our overarching SIP statement is:

“Building community to become better learners – belonging, connection and learning.”

Our new senior student learning centre is not just a building but a cornerstone in shaping our students' educational journeys during their final years of secondary school. It fosters holistic development, academic excellence, creativity, collaboration, and a sense of community among students and staff. It's a place that prepares our students for the exciting post-school options that await them. This is our goal, and the Senior Centre will help us achieve it.

It is now up to our students to make the most of their new learning environment. I expect them to show their gratitude by the way they apply themselves to their learning, the positive way they interact with each other and staff and by the way they look after the building. This will be crucial if we are to meet our shared goal for this new centre.

The official Opening & Blessing Ceremonies will be conducted later this term. In the meantime, I would like to provide parents (and former parents) the opportunity to view the building. An invitation to attend an after-school tour will be sent via email soon.

Encouraging Respectful Interaction with Office Staff

As we strive to foster a positive and supportive environment here at Saint Ignatius, I wanted to address the importance of respectful interaction with our office staff. Our reception team plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of the school and supporting both students and parents alike.

First and foremost, it's essential to remember that our office staff are dedicated professionals committed to serving our school community's needs. They work tirelessly to provide assistance, answer questions, and handle various administrative tasks. Therefore, treating them with kindness, patience, and respect is paramount.

It is rare that we encounter unacceptable behaviour from people interacting with our staff. Our experience has been that the vast majority of people visiting our reception area communicate clearly and courteously. Whether they're dropping off paperwork, seeking information, or addressing concerns, taking a moment to express gratitude and understanding goes a long way. A simple "thank you" or a smile can significantly brighten someone's day. Conversely, rude, demanding and disrespectful behaviour can impact negatively and undermine our positive and friendly atmosphere.

Furthermore, most people are mindful of the office staff's workload and responsibilities. While they strive to assist everyone in a timely manner, there may be instances where they require additional time to address your needs. Patience and understanding during these moments are greatly appreciated and contribute to a more positive and productive atmosphere for all.

In addition to respecting their time and efforts, it's important to recognize the expertise and professionalism of our office staff. They possess valuable knowledge and experience that can be incredibly beneficial to you as parents. Therefore, I encourage you to approach interactions with an open mind and willingness to listen and learn from their insights, which they have gained through years of dedicated service to our school community. In many cases, your concern may be better addressed by a teacher, manager, or leader, particularly when it comes to student wellbeing and discipline matters. In these cases, our reception staff would refer you to the appropriate person for further assistance.

In closing, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your cooperation and understanding in fostering a culture of respect within our school community. By treating our office staff with kindness, patience, and appreciation, we not only create a more pleasant environment for everyone but also set a positive example for our students. Your role in this is crucial, and I thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support for ensuring we have respectful and cordial interactions with our reception staff. You can access our Parent Code of Conduct via the Parent Portal on the College’s website. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Best wishes for Term Two,

Michael Exton | Principal

