19 November 2020

Faith Matters - New Life

Article by Mr Brendan Nichols

Faith Matters - New Life

As I write this article there is much happening at the College. The year is wrapping up and our students are preparing for the remaining weeks and looking forward to the final day of school.

Currently our Year 12 students are well into completing their final exams, our Year 11 students have completed a number of their exams and our Year 10 students are about to begin their exams. Before long the school will again be empty. This time the reason is a positive one and not related to the pandemic. On the 4th of December our students finish their year and head off on their summer holidays. The freedom and carefree nature of the long summer break is something longed for and greatly enjoyed by the students after another year of study and deadlines.

Our Year 12 students leave for the next stage of their pilgrimage. The new experiences and communities they will be part of for the next stage of learning will continue their education and give them insights about who they hope to be. Their formation does not end when they leave our College and we believe all of the formation they experienced as a student guides their future choices and vision of their future.

Regardless of whether a student is looking forward to their orientation day at Saint Ignatius College and the end of their primary schooling or a senior student who is looking forward to the opportunities their VCAL or VCE program will offer, our students illustrate a desire for new life. Their journey mirrors our faith story.

Life is a pilgrimage. There are moments of beauty and joy, and moments of challenge and fear. Although our life’s journey is unique we all move forward due to the choices we make. As we journey we often walk with others. There are times when these companionships are long lasting and vitally important to our journey. There are other relationships that are seasonal and reoccurring. As our students move into the future the companions they walk with are important supporters and guides as they journey onward. Surrounding oneself with positive likeminded allies is key to a future in which we flourish.

Our faith also reminds us that there is always hope and new life. Hope is a choice. When we encounter a challenge or reach an ending a decision must be made about how the future is viewed. Although the future offers many unknowns our faith prompts us to view the future as a wonderful new beginning. From what has passed we move into future full of hope and endless possibilities.

As we consider what the future will bring and what may be achieved we should pause to consider what has passed and all of the challenges that we have overcome. This COVID interrupted year has certainly offered many obstacles. By reflecting on the year we can consider how we grew in character and how we were able to overcome adversity through our belief in hope and our life’s pilgrim journey. Embrace and savour the good that has come from 2020 and look forward to an year of endless possibilities.

As our students prepare to finish the 2020 academic year we are confident that the future offers many amazing opportunities and that what is to come is to be desired and explored with great vigor. The new year will bring new life in a myriad of ways – enjoy!

Yours in Christ,

Brendan Nicholls  Liturgy Coordinator

