21 October 2021

Junior Debating

Article by Mr Michael Tod

Junior Debating

Our Junior Debating team achieved wonderful results in the Schools Competition that ran from March until September this year, claiming victory in a total of 7 out of 8 debates. 

This winning streak was finally ended on September 9th by Bacchus Marsh Grammar, who successfully argued that: ‘That recreational hunting should be banned’. 

With Saint Ignatius College taking the negative position, Curtis McCoughtry (Year 9) quickly established a level-headed approach to this emotive issue, emphasising the positive aspects of hunting by reminding the audience of its rich cultural and historical association with a wilderness that is quickly disappearing. Curtis spoke with deep conviction and his charismatic manner and measured delivery was compelling. 

Drew Magtaka (Year 8) then rose as our second speaker, pointing out that recreational hunting contributes to conservation efforts across the globe, including the defence of our native marsupials against invasive predators like feral cats. The animated delivery of Drew’s speech effectively conveyed his growing confidence and competence as a public speaker. In her position as third speaker, Alana Clark (Year 9) delivered yet another powerful summary of the team’s case, dismantling the opposition’s case with her incisive wit and keen perspicacity. 

Congratulations goes to these young debaters who managed to advance to the third round of the finals, finishing in the top 16 teams in a competition of over 100 this year. This is a wonderful achievement and bodes well for senior debating at Saint Ignatius College in the years to come.

The Junior Secondary Program continued with the second debate on the 16th September with Ella Downing (Year 7), Gabriela Fernandes (Year 7) and Stephanie Reynolds (Year 8) arguing the affirmative position on the topic: ‘That we prefer children playing team sports to individual sports’.

Up against Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, our team was keen to flex its debating muscle after a victory by forfeit in the previous round. 

Arguing that team sports help develop patience, selflessness and respect, the Iggies debaters put on an impressive display of debating prowess and came away with a convincing victory, with both Ella and Stephanie being awarded ‘Best Speakers’ in the debate. 

With the final round happening this week, we look forward to the results that will see the conclusion of the debating season for 2021.

Michael Tod  Junior Debating Coordinator

