02 May 2019


Article by Mrs jane Alexander


NAPLAN testing for Years 7 & 9 will be taking place on Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th and Thursday the 16th May.

An explanatory letter and pamphlet will be distributed to students in Year 7 this week and in the following week for Year 9’s. This information will provide further clarification with regard to this testing process and how it will be managed at Saint Ignatius College.

All students will be encouraged to participate in the tests. NAPLAN is made up of tests in four domains of Reading, Writing, Language Conventions and Numeracy. The Numeracy section includes both calculator and non-calculator tests.

NAPLAN is not a pass or fail test, it shows how individual students are progressing in numeracy and literacy skills against national standards for all Australian students.

The school will issue an individual student NAPLAN report later this year. Parents can use this information to monitor how their child is progressing and to identify any areas of concern. Parents will be welcome to discuss NAPLAN results with teachers.

More information is available at www.naplan.edu.au

Mrs. Jane Alexander Literacy Coordinator

