04 March 2021

Teacher Development

Article by Mr Joe McLean

Teacher Development

Learning Together for Continual Improvement

Learning is at the heart of what we do. We strive to ensure that every student improves in their learning and through a collaborative team approach, we encourage critical thinking, clear communication and creativity at Saint Ignatius College.

Effective schools are learning communities. The core element of which is a culture of collaboration and collective responsibility for the development of effective teaching practices and improved student achievement.

We learn better when we learn together. For this reason, we are developing Professional Learning Time and Learning Focus Teams as part of the 2021 Teacher Development Framework for teaching staff.

It involves teachers working in the spirit of openness and critical reflection, sharing their experiences, ideas and expertise with each other and engaging in an ongoing process of inquiry that promotes learning, while maintaining the focus on improving our student outcomes.

Since the beginning of the school year, opportunities have been structured into this year’s meeting schedules for teachers to work together on the College’s most valued teaching and learning goal for 2021:

Learners and their Learning: “Helping students learn to a higher level”

In the meetings conducted this term, teaching staff have had the opportunity to meet in Learning Focus Teams and Professional Learning Time / Companions.

Learning Focus Teams

In Learning Focus Teams, teaching staff are addressing the key areas of:

- The use of student achievement data and samples of student work to maintain a focus on student requirements.

- Focusing on learning delivering strategies that can be implemented in the classroom immediately and evaluated in the following weeks.

- Taking time to become proficient at new strategies, so regular cycles of learning, observation and review can be used to support and track progress.

- Seeking feedback from each staff member in their team, about what worked well and what could be improved.

Professional Learning Time

As part of the Teacher Development Framework, Professional Learning Time / Companions will continue to be set up at Saint Ignatius College. Each group will consist of a Companion Leader, Companion Mentor and Companions.

In Professional Learning Time, teaching staff are addressing these key areas:

- To form and support their Professional Learning Goal with accessible Professional Development which is tailored to assist teachers in the improvement of Professional Knowledge, Practice and Engagement (APST).

- To ensure that the annual College Teaching and Learning Goal and initiatives are embedded into teacher practices.

- To provide regular feedback to teachers about the effectiveness of their teaching and learning in their classrooms.

- To ensure that quality and consistent teacher practices across classrooms is improving student outcomes.

I look forward to continually supporting our teaching staff during another exciting year at the college.

Joe McLean  Director of Teacher Development

