06 October 2023

Young People and E-cigarettes

Article by The Student Wellbeing Team

Young People and E-cigarettes

Young People and E-cigarettes

In recent years, vaping has become a growing concern among parents, educators, and healthcare professionals. E-cigarettes, more commonly known as 'vapes,' are battery-operated devices that heat a liquid into aerosols, which are then inhaled. While marketed as a safer alternative to traditional smoking, vaping comes with its own set of risks, especially for teenagers. In this newsletter item, we will explore what vapes are, the dangers associated with them, why teenagers are drawn to vaping, and how to approach a conversation with your teenager about this issue.

What are Vapes?

E-cigarettes, or vapes, operate by heating a liquid into aerosols. These devices can contain up to 200 dangerous chemicals, including substances found in weed killer and paint stripper. When inhaled, these chemicals can pose significant health risks. Vapes come in various colours and flavours, some of which are designed to appeal to young people. In Australia, it is illegal to buy and sell e-cigarettes with nicotine without a doctor's prescription, but there is a growing concern about the sale of 'non-nicotine' e-cigarettes, which often contain nicotine regardless of their labelling, and other harmful chemicals.

What are the Dangers?

Vaping poses serious health risks for teenagers. The aerosols produced by vaping devices contain toxic and corrosive chemicals that can become deeply lodged in the lungs. This can lead to lung injuries, seizures, asthma attacks, bronchitis, and, in rare cases, even death. What's particularly concerning is that a single disposable e-cigarette can contain as much nicotine as 50 traditional cigarettes and is often available at a low cost. Nicotine is highly addictive and can hinder the brain development of young people. Additionally, vaping has been linked to mental health issues, increasing the risk of mood and anxiety disorders and worsening symptoms of depression.

Why Do Teenagers Vape?

Understanding why teenagers are drawn to vaping is crucial. Peer pressure, curiosity, and the perception that vaping is a safe alternative to smoking are some common reasons. The appealing flavours and discreet designs of vaping devices, often disguised as everyday items like pens, lip gloss, or USB sticks, make them attractive and easy to hide.

How to Talk to My Teenager about Vaping

Addressing the issue of vaping with your teenager can be challenging, but it's essential to have open and informed conversations. VIcHealth offers the following tips on how to approach this topic:

  • 1. Listen, Don't Lecture.

  • Approach the conversation calmly and in an informal setting. Ask open-ended questions and listen to what your teenager has to say. Avoid lecturing or being judgmental.

  • 2. Know the Facts.

  • Familiarise yourself with the facts about vaping so you can have an informed conversation. Check online resources provided by organisations like Quit and VicHealth, which offer valuable information for parents and caregivers.

  • 3. Be Real and Respectful.

  • Be honest with your teen, focusing on your care and concern for their health. Avoid exaggeration and stick to the evidence. Respect their privacy and don't push them to discuss areas they're uncomfortable with. Building trust is essential for open communication.

  • 4. Support Quitting.

  • It's crucial to acknowledge that if your child has already begun vaping, they might have developed a dependence, which can make quitting a challenging endeavour. In such cases, they will require significant support. Consider reaching out to other parents of teenagers for support and guidance. Sharing experiences and strategies can be invaluable during this time.

  • You can also seek assistance by contacting Quitline at 13 7848 for free advice.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and together, we can help our teens make healthier choices.

Source: https://www.vichealth.vic.gov....

By the Student Wellbeing Team

