07 February 2019



“The more you Read, the more Things you will know. The more that you Learn, the more Places you’ll go” Dr Seuss

The WIRED Literacy Program is an initiative, between Literacy, Information Learning Centre (ILC), and English, introduced , weekly, into Year 7 and 8 in 2018. This year the Year 9’s will be participating fortnightly in the WIRED program. The program has been adapted from St Patrick’s College, Ballarat model in which students are encouraged to read for pleasure, not for marks.

Teachers will also be modeling reading. Teachers are strongly encouraged to read young adult fiction alongside the students. A benefit of this, is discussion can happen around people reading the same or similar novels of their own choosing. Another benefit of the program is students being involved in short activities to share their reading experiences, encouraging students to read for pleasure and create a ‘reading culture’ within our College. As has been advocated through countless studies, reading success is one of the best predictors of potential achievement in all aspects of life. By focusing on this vital skill, we hope to see long lasting positive outcomes for our students’ literacy skills across all curriculum areas and in life.

The Aim of WIRED:

  • To improve literacy
  • To improve writing outcomes
  • To improve vocabulary
  • To improve concentration skills
  • To provide students with their own personal choice to read
  • To improve understanding of the written form including texts and novels

Students will be ably assisted by the ILC staff to ensure they are reading novels that interest them and are age and reading level appropriate. We encourage parents/ guardians to ask their child about the program, talk to them about their book choices, what they are reading, offer appropriate suggestions, read what your child is reading or just read some young adult fiction. Parent modeling reading is just as important as teachers modeling reading.

Students will keep a reading log (this is in their student planner) which will be monitored as well as setting reading goals and reflecting on these goals and their time in WIRED. We strongly encourage all students to continue to reading outside of the WIRED class.

Jane Alexander (Literacy Coordinator)

Leonie Stephenson (Information Learning Centre Coordinator)

Gemma Etherington (English Learning Area Leader)

