Saint Ignatius College Geelong
07:00 PM Start
Transitioning to Year 7. Current Year 7s & future Year 7s in 2021.
5.30 PM Start
In any year, the transition from Primary to Secondary school is a very challenging time. For many students, the stress of finding and trusting new friends has an enormous impact. 2020 has been a year like no other. Our current Year 7 cohort have spent approximately 10 weeks of their first year in a regular classroom setting. In an online world, Primary school friends have been as accessible as their new classmates and new friendships haven’t had a chance to really establish.
Webinar Wednesday 21st October 2020
With this in mind, SICG have enlisted the help of prominent child/teen Psychologist Mr Michael Carr-Gregg to deliver a webinar on the topic of Year 7 Transition.
Parents of current Year 7 students and future Year 7 students in 2021 are invited to use the link provided to watch the hour long Zoom presentation and participate in the 30 min Q and A session following.
The presentation is on Wednesday October 21st from 7-8.30pm. See the PDF below for details.
Could parents please join approximately 10 minutes before 7pm and ensure that their microphone remains muted during the presentation?