26 August 2022

From the Principal

Article by Mr Michael Exton

From the Principal

Dear Saint Ignatius College Geelong Community Members,

New Pastoral Structure to commence next year

As you may be aware, a very significant change will be happening next year at our College: a new pastoral structure. We have been preparing for this change and will continue to do so during the remainder of this term and term four. So again, I thank you in anticipation of your support for this school improvement initiative that will enhance outcomes for our students.

Last year Deputy Principal (Students), Mr Michael Timms, led a review of the Pastoral Structure of the College. As a result, in October, three broad recommendations were given in-principle approval by the College Executive:

  1. A vertical structure will be adopted at the Senior School (Years 10-12) to assist in the development of student connectedness and a sense of belonging, and the current Years 7-9 structure will be maintained with the inclusion of specific actions that will continue to foster the essential relationships at these year levels.
    The revised structure will also include Mentor Teachers to replace Homeroom Teachers. In the Senior School, each Mentor Teacher will remain with their House and Mentor group for three years.
    The Yrs 7 & 8 Year Level Coordinators (YLCs) will follow their cohort of students from Year 7 to Year 8 and then start with a new group of students in Year 7.

  2. A weekly Mentor Time will be adopted across the whole school within the current timetable structure to allow for meaningful relationships to develop between the Mentor Teacher and their Mentor Group. A trial of this arrangement commenced last term and will remain in place for the remainder of the year.
    The role of this Mentor Teacher and Mentor Time will allow each student to be better known and feel valued within our College.

  3. A new House system will be implemented that is inclusive of all activities for all students, in addition to sports activities. This will allow all students to associate themselves with a particular House, further establishing a connection to the College and developing that vital sense of belonging.

The new structure will be:

Senior School (Years 10 – 12)

  • Director of Senior School

  • 4 x Heads of House

  • For each House - groups of 25 Yrs 10, 11 & 12 students, each with a Mentor Teacher

Year 9

  • Year Level Coordinator

  • 10 groups of 25 Yr 9 students, each with a Mentor Teacher

Years 7 & 8 - at each year level:

  • Year Level Coordinator

  • 10 groups of 25 students, each with a Mentor Teacher

The College’s School Improvement Plan (2021 – 2024) identifies student engagement as an area for growth and development, particularly in Years 10 & 11. After considering current research in the area of students’ sense of belonging, the review working party concluded that:

  • improving the relationships that increase a student’s sense of belonging will lead to the improvement of student outcomes;

  • assisting the students and staff to develop and create those crucial professional teacher/student relationships will further develop the necessary internal motivation that is required for students to become fully engaged in their learning; and

  • fostering those meaningful relationships will also assist the students in their transformation to become self-regulated learners.

These conclusions underpin the working party’s recommendations and will enhance our teaching and learning programs and improve our students' outcomes.

I thank you in anticipation of your support for these initiatives as we work together to achieve the aims of our School Improvement Plan (2021 – 2024).

“triUMPH-LITE” 9th September

The triUMPH music festival has been a feature of the Combined Geelong Catholic Secondary Schools for two decades. It has provided the opportunity for our students and staff to come together in solidarity to support the community of Timor Leste. Originally scheduled to occur in 2020, triUMPH was to be held on September 9 this year at St Joseph’s College. A committee of student leaders from Clonard College, Iona College, Sacred Heart College, St Joseph’s College and our College had been planning this event for over a year.

While the committee was understandably disappointed that due to the pandemic we couldn’t go ahead with the event in its proposed format, they have put forward a new proposal for a modified and much smaller version of the event to happen on the same day and at each school – “triUMPH LITE.”

A significant motivation behind the committee’s desire to still run an event was their commitment to raise funds for scholarships for Timor Leste students to be able to go to university to become teachers and then teach in their own Timor Leste schools.

Parents will have received an email from Deputy Principal (Identity) Mr Paul Lewis with more details about the plans for September 9. Some key points are:

  • $5 for casuals and a triUMPH wristband.

  • Normal school day. Normal classes all day. Normal lunchtime.

  • Music at lunchtime

  • triUMPH merchandise to be sold in the week leading up to September 9.

I look forward to triUMPH LITE being a successful student-led event and ask our school community to please support this fundraiser for East Timor.

Thank you,

Michael Exton | Principal

