26 August 2022

Year 7 and 8 Brain Storm Productions

Article by The Wellbeing Team - Olivia, Sarah and Michael

Year 7 and 8 Brain Storm Productions

Brain Storm Productions presented to the Year 7 and 8 Cohort of Saint Ignatius College during period 1 and 2 on Monday 8th of August. The performance was delivered by two young professional performers who were positive role models for the students.

The aim of the 50-minute live performance was to help identify and inspire students to undertake positive change within the school communities whilst encouraging respect, empathy, and compassion for fellow classmates. The topics covered were cyber bullying, harassment, image-based abuse and coercive control. This act displayed strategies for emotional regulation, assertiveness, conflict resolution, resilience, and help seeking.

The story covered student’s experiences from Grade 1 to year 12 which may occur to individuals throughout this school transition.

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Following the performance was a 5–10-minute discussion with the students, in which key aspects of the performance were evaluated to help students understand how they could intervene and support friends handling similar situations.

This Brainstorm Presentation compliments the school wellbeing support offered at Saint Ignatius College and is an effective program which delivers a positive mindset for mental health amongst school populations.

Presented by the Wellbeing Team - Olivia, Sarah and Michael

