27 May 2022

‘Saint Ignatius College, from the ground up.’

Article by Dave Peters

‘Saint Ignatius College, from the ground up.’

Saint Ignatius College Geelong is blessed with location, featuring beautiful grounds and a hardworking and dedicated grounds team who maintain this. One of the many benefits to this vast green space is the variety of flora that compliments the state of the art buildings that the College provides for our learners.

This week, Dave Peters, shares a photo and information regarding one of the plants that is thriving at the College the Correa Alba.

Correa alba is a prostrate to spreading shrub that typically grows to a height of 1.5 m and has rust-coloured, woolly-hairy young stems. Flowering mainly occurs from April to June and the fruit is 5–7 mm and is long and green. The shrub is currently in bloom and can be seen in various locations around the College.

Dave Peters | Property Manager.

