18 March 2021

How to help your child enjoy reading (again)

Article by Mrs Leonie Stephenson

How to help your child enjoy reading (again)

Ah, memories, of the bedtime reads, cuddling on the couch reading together, laughing at the pictures or story, chatting about the characters, making up stories together, maybe a visit to a library’s story time sessions.

Your child may now say reading is boring, I don’t like to read. But did you know you can help your child rediscover their enjoyment of reading?

Why not take an interest and ask your child about their book?

  • Is the story interesting?
  • What’s the story about?
  • What is it about the story you’re enjoying?
  • Have you learnt anything new from this book? Such as about different cultures, different life experiences, how we perceive others and ourselves
  • Do you think I would enjoy reading this story?

One of the biggest influence on having your child enjoy reading is YOU! So find a cozy spot for you and your child, grab a good book and enjoy reading TOGETHER.

For more information look at “Raising Readers: how to nurture a child’s love of books” by Megan Daley

Leonie Stephenson (ILC Coordinator), Jane Alexander (Literacy Coordinator) and Gemma Etherington (English Learning Area Leader)

