14 July 2023


Article by Ash Pitts, Sam Nyatsanga, Jazz Halliwell, Immy Payne and Emily Neicho.


For the past Term, four year 8 girls signed up for a program called GALS. Our team name was ‘The Marie Curie Pioneers.’ Our Team consisted of Ash Pitts, Sam Nyatsanga, Jazz Halliwell, Immy Payne and Emily Neicho. 

GALS is a program to get young girls (year 5-8) interested in STEM. GALS stands for Girls as Leaders in Stem. Our team had a great time this year and learned a lot about stem. We met lots of scientists, professors and students. 

We also went to Deakin University a few times to do some interesting workshops. As a team, we came up with an idea to help disabled people in our school community. Our final idea was a disability friendly locker. 

We presented our findings and finished prototype at Costa Hall on the 23rd of June at the GALS Launch. The poster we made explaining our design was up at Westfield in the first week of the holidays.

