22 June 2023

Movie Nights St. Mary Mackillop Church in Bannockburn

Movie Nights St. Mary Mackillop Church in Bannockburn

We are excited to invite the staff, students and family of your school to a couple of fantastic movie nights being hosted at the St Mary Mackillop Church in Bannockburn over the school holidays! They will be enjoyable, fun-filled nights with great movies, delicious pizza, and good company. We would love it if you could join us!

The details are as follows:

Date: 28th June 2023

Time: 6pm-8:30pm

Location: 24 High Street, Bannockburn

Movie: Sing

Date: 5th July 2023

Time: 6pm-8:30pm

Location: 24 High Street, Bannockburn

Movie: Night at the Museum

To make the events even more enjoyable, pizza and refreshments will be provided, but if you have any specific dietary preferences or favorite movie treats, please feel free to bring them along.

It would be wonderful to have you join us for this cinematic experience. All proceeds go towards raising funds for four World Youth Day Pilgrims from the parish.

Tickets are priced at $15 each, or $10 for primary school students, all inclusive of pizza and refreshments.

If possible, kindly RSVP for catering purposes, but don't hesitate to rock up on the night either!

