22 June 2023

Timor Leste Immersion Trip

Article by Paul Lewis DP – Staff, Identity and Operations

Timor Leste Immersion Trip

Timor Leste Immersion Trip

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Every year the Jesuits of Australia run a Jesuit Schools' Student Leaders Immersion and two students from each Jesuit school are chosen to participate in the Immersion to Timor Leste.

This year’s Immersion is from July 1 to 14 (week 2 of the holidays and week 1 of Term 3).

Our representatives and participants in the Jesuit Immersion to Timor Leste this year are

Alana Clark and Curtis Mc Coughtry


2023 Justice Captain

2023 Academic Captain

They were required to raise funds to take to Timor Leste that will be given to Jesuit and other organisations they will visit during their Immersion.

Congratulations to Alana and Curtis who raised $1116.90 - a great effort.

Our school is also supporting the Immersion with donations that Alana and Curtis will take with them:

* sporting equipment (thank you to Andrew Philp and De Grandi) and

* stationery from Officeworks

We wish them all the best for this great opportunity, and the chance to support Jesuit works in Timor Leste – one of the poorest countries in the world.

Alana and Curtis will do a presentation at our Feast Day Assembly (Thursday 27 July) about their Immersion.

Kind regards, 

Paul Lewis

DP – Staff, Identity and Operations

