17 February 2022

Faith Matters - God’s Truth

Article by Mr Brendan Nichols

Faith Matters - God’s Truth

As we settle into the new school year we notice that so many things have changed. Students and teachers observe changes easily as in many cases it has been months since we encountered one another. The College grounds have evolved as have may aspects of the courses taught in classrooms. The world around us is everchanging. Gradually the seasons, our lives, our relationships and our community perpetually change. Because of these things, the formation our students receive at the College is the most valuable learning that occurs during their time at Saint Ignatius College. The foundational and most important learning that our students receive is that our God is constant and does not change.

No matter who we are, what we have done or how we might reject His offer of friendship and endless love God is ever faithful. In a world where truth may seem flexible or relative, God’s truth is enduring and dependable. I offer you four truths about our God for you to contemplate over the coming fortnight as we move toward the season of Lent.

Eternal – Our God existed before time began and he will exist when time no longer does. Therefore, God is everything. We share in his eternal nature and have existed in his love from the beginning and will return to continue our eternal lives in his presence when our earthly lives end.

But as humans we experience life as it is now. Our temporal lives, as Jesus’ was, are full of big moments and the ordinary, times of joy and also moments of challenge and sadness. We experience the pressures of daily life and as we gain wisdom, become content with valuing each moment. For many it takes a lifetime to become aware of the present and understand that the moment you experience now is all that is truly real.

Yet God exists beyond the present and he chooses to encounter you in this, and every moment. There is nowhere you can go in time or space where God is distanced from you. Even when we choose to ignore his love or chose our will over his we can separate ourselves but paradoxically are not distanced from God in anyway. God is eternal and perfect.

I am who I am – When God revealed his name to us via Moses he also revealed who we are. God is the creator who is revealed in the complexity and perfection nature. God created all things. God’s desire to create a universe out of love for us and who gives us free will offers us a glimpse into the almost unimaginable perfect love he has for us. In knowing these things we also gain insight into who we are created to be and how much we can grow each day. When we are asked who we are we can truly answer “I am who I am”; that is enough.

Loved – You are loved. In this life you will never truly understand how love you are. His love is more amazing than anything you can experience from others. It is limitless and without any reservation. The intimacy of God’s love is unfathomable. He knitted you together in your mother’s womb. You were created perfectly, God does not make mistakes, you are perfect and if you live in his love will fulfil your unique and vital role in the world.

Your vocation is not however related to your skills, intelligence or education; as important as these things are. Your vocation is to love. Learning how to love as God does relies on faith. Becoming able to forgive and be merciful means that you need to become like God in your nature. Your greatest gift is the ability to love and your life’s work is to savour the love God offers you and to imitate him each day.

True North – God’s spirit lives within you. The Holy Spirit is the giver of life in every way. The Spirit was gifted to you when you were created and guides your heart throughout your life. It is your greatest teacher and if you live in harmony with its movements your heart will be softened and your ability to choose the better option will transform the world.

The Spirit is like the needle of a compass. It doesn’t matter where you are, what you have done or disconnected you may feel from God in a given moment, the Spirit will always guide you home. The secret to noticing the subtle movement of this compass is to rest a while and quietly observe what is being revealed.

Forgiven – In our modern world the concept of sin is unpalatable. It takes courage to admit to ourselves that we sometimes choose our will over God’s. It’s hard enough for most people to admit that they have made a mistake in their daily lives, let alone admit that through their own choice and personal desires they chose what they wanted because of their ego, hurt or weakness.

Yet God forgives you of all things. As humans we feel shame or guilt when our conscience prompts us. Rather than bask in in the loving mercy of God we often hide and ignore the grace of God. Being humble and grateful for a gift that by rights we may not deserve perplexes us so all too often we try to rationalise our choice and mask the movement of our conscience. Understanding this endless empathy and compassion can only be achieved by accepting that God’s only desire is to love you so that you can understand his reason for creating you.

When you learn to love as God does you cannot make a mistake. When you forgive as he does you are acting out the most noble and holy virtue you have been graced with. Be valiant; to forgive though we first must be forgiven. Be brave and accept this grace. Our world depends on your courage!

Our God does not change. This is true. He offers us the opportunity to change each day. More so, each moment presents us with the opportunity to be transformed. Our God is personal, he is eternal, his Spirit guides you in all things, you are forgiven and you are loved.

As the year moves on consider who God is, evaluate your relationship with him and reflect upon how you encounter the world each day in his image.

I wish you God’s true and endless gifts: joy and love.

Yours in Christ,

Brendan Nicholls
Liturgy Coordinator

