12 May 2022

Access Arrangements for Separated Parent and Guardians

Access Arrangements for Separated Parent and Guardians

The separation of parents can be extremely traumatic, especially for the children involved. Whilst many separations are amicable, others can result in serious disputes between parents/guardians including the creation of court sanctioned custody arrangements. Unless the College is aware that parents/guardians have separated and the status of the separation (including whether there are court orders in place) the safety, wellbeing and development of the child and other students and/or staff may be at risk. In addition, the separation, if not properly managed by the College, may affect the best educational interests of the child.

The College has developed an Access Arrangements for Separated Parents and Guardians Policy to assist the College in managing this area. We ask that separated parents and guardians read and understand the information provided and act in accordance with the policy.

