26 May 2023

Cultivating Kindness: Spreading Love and Acceptance

Article by Michael Tod | Director of Ignatian Ethos and Identity

Cultivating Kindness: Spreading Love and Acceptance

On May 17th, Saint Ignatius College recognised International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT Day). Our Community aims to be a place where everyone is valued and respected as people made in the image and likeness of God. Whilst we aim to affirm the sacredness of all people, IDAHOBIT Day particularly acknowledges the inherent dignity of some of the most vulnerable in our community - those students, staff, and family members who are likely to face discrimination and prejudice.

With live music, hot food, fairy floss, colourful decorations and lots of festive energy, our students and staff joined in this important celebration of our Diversity and Inclusivity Team and the ongoing efforts to create an environment where all feel safe, valued and connected. Special thanks goes to Caitlin Doble, Rebekah Spencer, Bronwyn Allen, Laura Taylor-Payne, Amelia Watters and Jarryd Atkinson for their support of this day and to Year 12 student Ed Aspinall-Kline for his enthusiasm and outstanding leadership in this area. We also thank all the students who helped plan and facilitate this significant event on the College’s calendar.

Comments from students:

“It made me feel really included and special.” Emily Neicho

