16 May 2024


Article by Mrs Sadler | Justice Coordinator


Friday 17th May is IDAHOBIT Day.

At Saint Ignatius College this day represents an occasion to focus on promoting a safe, inclusive school community in which all students feel safe and recognised and valued for the people they are now and the ones they will grow to be, sharing their uniqueness with our community. We are fortunate to be blessed with their gifts and talents and this occasion allows us to take time to challenge the stereotypes and prejudices our cultural or social backgrounds might have contributed to our developing identity.

The event is a gazetted, annual, Justice event on the school calendar and bears witness to our school’s commitment to the National Child Safe Principles, in particular Principle 4 - Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.

According to the National Document:

This principle examines how recognition of children and young people’s diverse circumstances enables an organisation to work in a more child centred way and empowers children and young people to participate more effectively. This builds an organisational culture that acknowledges the strengths and individual characteristics of children, and embraces all children regardless of their abilities, sex, gender, or social, economic or cultural background. A welcoming organisation is one where all children and young people feel comfortable and where services are provided in culturally safe and inclusive ways. This reduces the risk of discrimination, exclusion, bullying and abuse.

This week students and staff have been invited to add a little splash of solidarity on their sneakers by placing a few coloured beads on their laces. A video that explains this initiative beautifully can be accessed via this LINK.

On Friday morning we will hear the Youth Ministry prayer for equal rights and equity for all in our EXAMEN.

On Friday at lunchtime, students are invited to participate with a number of friendship building events including:

  • Framed photo opportunity

  • Music provided by the Year 9 bands

  • Rainbow Lego in the ILC

  • Rainbow nail painting in the outdoor space (near canteen)

  • Friendship bead making

  • Buy a rainbow drink or lolly pack ($1 per item just to cover costs)

We look forward to sharing some photos in the next newsletter!

Mrs Sadler

Justice Coordinator

