16 May 2024

Ricci House Report

Article by Ms Kristin Williamson | Head of House - Ricci

Ricci House Report

Ricci House have been busy across a range of activities over this year.

Ricci students were very proud to win the Athletics House Cup. But, more importantly, it was great to see so many students across the College participating and enjoying the day with a spirit of competitiveness and companionship at Landy Field.

Ricci House ran the Inter-House Pickleball competition for Year 12 students at lunchtime which saw some fierce competition against all the Houses.

The Coat Drive has been well supported by Ricci students and donations can still be made.

Students have been busy representing the College in a range of sports, undertaking SACs and assessment tasks, participating in a range of excursions, preparing for the Little Shop of Horrors, Craft and Create group, Year 10 work experience, the Big Science Competition to name just a few.

The highlight of Term 2 has been the Ricci House Mass for senior students. This was celebrated in the new MacKillop Theatre on Tuesday 14th May. Father Gerry Healy SJ celebrated our mass and shared reflections on the work of Matteo Ricci and the impact he has had on Jesuit education. Students celebrated the Feast Day of our Patron Saint with a shared pizza lunch.

Ricci students have been committed and involved this year and have represented the House proudly.

Ms Kristin Williamson

Head of House - Ricci

