Saint Ignatius College Geelong
Also in this Edition
We have a number of young Jesuits from around the world in Australia for a Jesuit training program this year. One of them will be with us for 6 weeks from 13th May to 23rd June. Among his various activities he will be able to offer a Retreat In Daily Life in conjunction with a local retreat guide.
Many people have been deeply rewarded through participation in this kind of retreat. Even for busy people the time commitment each week over 4 weeks is manageable. Retreatants commit to spending about 25 minutes a day on 5 or 6 days of the week following a prayer guide text that is provided. The groups meet at the beginning of the retreat for some instruction and once a week to talk about how things are going with the prayer exercises. There may also be some Ignatian Prayer Experiences for those who feel unable to commit to the Retreat In Daily Life.
Please contact Michael Tod, Director of Ignatian Identity, for more information and an Application Form.
Article by Michael Tod | Director of Ignatian Identity
We have a number of young Jesuits from around the world in Australia for a Jesuit training program this year. One of them will be with us for 6 weeks from 13th May to 23rd June. Among his various activities he will be able to offer a Retreat In Daily Life in conjunction with a local retreat guide.
Many people have been deeply rewarded through participation in this kind of retreat. Even for busy people the time commitment each week over 4 weeks is manageable. Retreatants commit to spending about 25 minutes a day on 5 or 6 days of the week following a prayer guide text that is provided. The groups meet at the beginning of the retreat for some instruction and once a week to talk about how things are going with the prayer exercises. There may also be some Ignatian Prayer Experiences for those who feel unable to commit to the Retreat In Daily Life.
Please contact Michael Tod, Director of Ignatian Identity, for more information and an Application Form.